College and Career Ministry
A strong College and Career Ministry brings an energy that every church is desperately needing; therefore, Linwood Baptist Church started The Bridging The Gap Sunday School Class.
Marriage Ministry
Every year Linwood Baptist Church has a special event to strengthen the relationships of our married couples with not only each other, but with the Lord. We have a first-class Valentine Banquet at the church with special themes, decorations, food, activities, door prizes and speakers. We also have a two-day, off-site marriage retreat that is a memory making and life changing experience for our marriages.
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Ladies Ministry
The Linwood Ladies enjoy special meetings throughout the year with various themes and topics to fellowship and grow in the Lord. The Linwood Ladies have their biggest event in the Spring followed by the Ladies Summer Luncheons, which are the first Thursday of June, July and August where they meet at a local restaurant for a guest speaker and themed luncheon. The year concludes with the special Ladies Christmas Breakfast.
Men’s S.T.I.N.G. Ministry
“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30
Linwood Baptist Church wants to encourage men to always be “Standing true in the narrow gap”. From prayer breakfasts to skeet shooting and cookouts, the men have meetings throughout the year for fellowship centered around the work of the Lord.
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Great Commission Day
Great Commission Day is the main outreach effort of Linwood Baptist Church. We meet the first Saturday of every month. We begin at 10:30 am and end by 2:30 pm. It is four hours of non-stop excitement and service to the Lord. Between 10:45 am – 12:15 pm, we have teams that visit and deliver baked goods to the local community surrounding our church, as well as expanded door knocking, care visits, children’s and youth visitation. Secure childcare is available during these outreach efforts. During this time we have prayer teams who walk the aisles, hallways, classrooms and surround the pulpit praying for God’s protection, power and productivity upon His church. We also have our correspondence team meeting during this time to write cards of encouragement to the sick and grieving and notes of thanks to recent visitors. At 12:15 pm, we meet back in the fellowship hall to enjoy a freshly prepared meal and time of fellowship together where we hear a report from each team on how their outreach efforts went. At 1:00 pm we divide up into five different groups below. These classes are not only for our church members, but also others in the community.
- Great Commission Kids
- S.T.A.N.D. Youth Ministry activity
- Ladies Bible Study
- Men’s Bible Study
- Discipleship University for new converts or new member who have never been through discipleship training.
Lamp of Learning Scholarship
The lamp of learning is a scholarship started through Linwood Baptist Church in 2015 for the purpose of helping young people gain a Christian education.

Highways and Hedges
Highways and Hedges is a ministry based off of Luke 14:23 that Linwood Baptist Church has been active in for several years.
“Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
Each Sunday morning, and for other special events, we have teams of people going out unto the streets of Lafayette with signs inviting and directing people to our church property from station to station. We want to let people know that Jesus loves them. God has used this unique ministry opportunity greatly to bring many families to His House.
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Call to Care
The nursing home ministry is one of the most precious and fulfilling ministries of our church. The residence we are able to minister to are so gracious in their attendance and involvement in our services. The Lord has given us such a wonderful and dedicated team to minister to this often forgotten group of people. It’s such a blessing to see God work through it.